I, Oliver Bonham-Carter ๐Ÿ‘‹

Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Allegheny College

I, Oliver Bonham-Carter, In June

I, Oliver Bonham-Carter ๐Ÿ‘‹

Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Allegheny College


So, what do I teach here?

This semester, I am teaching …

computing under the stars

However, During Other Semesters, I teach …

Classes in a Box

Much like how you may get food from the store which is ready to eat, I have prepared two courses which are piping hot and ready to teach. I offer a course in Bioinformatics and another in Senior Thesis Research which I have used at Allegheny College several times. If you are an instructor at the high-school or college level, help your self to the materials at the above sites! Please be sure to let me know your thoughts and comments if you apply them to your course.

Comm Competencies

SWS*105-04: Intro to Comm Competencies Academic Bulletin Description An exploration of four communication competencies: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students develop engaging voices as speakers and writers through study of concepts such as purpose, occasion, audience, and genre. The use of reading and listening to interpret ideas of others and form one’s own will be applied toward thesis-driven written and spoken texts. The topical material covered in the seminar varies from section to section and year to year.

Junior Seminar

CMPSC-580-00: Junior Seminar When Do We Meet? Meeting Times Academic Bulletin Description A team-based investigation of select topics in computer science, preparing students for the proposal and completion of a senior project. Working in teams to complete hands-on activities, students learn how to read research papers, state and motivate research questions, design and conduct experiments, and collect and organize evidence for evaluating scientific hypotheses. During a weekly laboratory session students use state-of-the-art technology to gain practical skills in scientific and technical writing, the presentation of computational and mathematical concepts, and the visualization of experimental data.

Discrete Structures

CMPSC-102 Discrete Structures (4 Credits) ​ When Do We Meet? Meeting Times Academic Bulletin Description An introduction to the foundations of computer science with an emphasis on understanding the abstract structures used to represent discrete objects. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students learn the computational methods and logical principles that they need to create and manipulate discrete objects in a programming environment. Students also learn how to write, organize, and document a program’s source code so that it is easily accessible to intended users of varied backgrounds.

Data Science

CMPSC-301-00: Data Science Academic Bulletin Description A study of computational methods of data analysis with an emphasis on understanding and reflecting on the social, cultural, and political issues surrounding data and its interrogation. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students study, design, and implement analytics software and learn how to build predictive models with foundational machine learning algorithms to extract knowledge from various sources of data. Students also investigate the biases, discriminatory views, and stereotypes that may be present during the collection and analysis of data, reflecting on the ethical implications of using the resulting machine learning techniques.


CMPSC-300-00: Bioinformatics (4 Credits) Academic Bulletin Description An introduction to the development and application of methods, from the computational and information sciences, for the investigation of biological phenomena. In this interdisciplinary course, students integrate computational techniques with biological knowledge to develop and use analytical tools for extracting, organizing, and interpreting information from genetic sequence data. Often participating in team-based and hands-on activities, students implement and apply useful bioinformatics algorithms. During a weekly laboratory session students employ cutting-edge software tools and programming environments to complete projects, reporting on their results through both written documents and oral presentations.

Academic Discord

DataBase Systems

CMPSC-305-00: Database Systems Academic Bulletin Description A study of the application and evaluation of database management systems. Participating in hands-on activities that often require teamwork, students design, implement, and deploy database systems that store interdisciplinary data sets. In addition to learning how to develop and assess interfaces for databases, students study the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative data management systems. During a weekly laboratory session students use industry-grade technology to complete projects, reporting on their results through both written documents and oral presentations.

Academic Bulletin Description The Lab: Discord class server: Meeting Information: Classes: Labs: Office Hours: Syllabus: Planning your time TextBook: Other Useful Textbooks: classDocs/ Repository Gradebook Repository