I, Oliver Bonham-Carter 👋

Associate Professor in The Department of Computer and Information Science, Allegheny College

I, Oliver Bonham-Carter, In June

I, Oliver Bonham-Carter 👋

Associate Professor in The Department of Computer and Information Science, Allegheny College

Junior Seminar

CMPSC-580-00: Junior Seminar


When Do We Meet?

Meeting Times

Academic Bulletin Description

A team-based investigation of select topics in computer science, preparing students for the proposal and completion of a senior project. Working in teams to complete hands-on activities, students learn how to read research papers, state and motivate research questions, design and conduct experiments, and collect and organize evidence for evaluating scientific hypotheses. During a weekly laboratory session students use state-of-the-art technology to gain practical skills in scientific and technical writing, the presentation of computational and mathematical concepts, and the visualization of experimental data. Students are invited to use their own departmentally approved laptop in this course; a limited number of laptops are available for use during class and lab sessions. Prerequisite: CMPSC*101 and at least one of the core courses. Distribution Requirements: None.

The Lab

In order to acquire the proper skills in technical writing, critical reading, and the presentation and evaluation of technical material, it is essential for students to have hands-on experience in a laboratory. Therefore, it is mandatory for all students to attend the laboratory sessions. If you will not be able to attend a laboratory, then please see the one of the course instructor at least one week in advance in order to explain your situation. Students who miss more than two unexcused laboratories will have their final grade in the course reduced by one letter grade. Students who miss more than four unexcused laboratories will automatically fail the course.


If you are already on the department’s Discord server, then you will be given access to the course’s Discord channel, called #juniorseminar. If not, then you will need to join the department’s Discord server before you can be added to the course’s channel.

Office Hours

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Syllabus and Planning Your Time

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