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GitHub link: Table of contents Overview Tool Usage At Terminal CSV Outputted files Placing Gradebook Files Pushing in Bulk File Structure Summary of Commands A Work In Progress Overview GitHub Classroom is an excellent resource to handle work repositories for a course of many students. Each student, after “accepting” an assignment is issued a unique repository in which work can be completed and pushed to the instructor. Here, we suggest that GitHub Classroom be used to report grades to each student who has a grade book “assignment” repository.
GitHub link: Table of contents Overview Mechanism Commands Output References Evolution Overview Sentiment analysis is the semantic study of emotion in language. This form of analysis is used to determine the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction in textual data such as reviews, survey responses, online and social media posting and similar. Due to the often high volume of feedback from the above types of textual data, sentiment analysis provides an automated solution for determining the “feeling” of the text.